
Hi all, I’m changing the way this blog will appear, and it’s proving to be quite a technical challenge to this brain of mine. However, given time, I hope to master the art of creating a site that fills all my desires. Please accept my apologies for any odd notifications you may receive while I…

Writing Advice

I apologise for the massive lull in posts lately. My excuse lies in the fact that I’m in the final stages of an international move combined with extra house guests staying with us while they make a movie in my home. Life is far from normal at the moment, but it’s fun. To fill the…

The Author Exploitation Business

Another informative post from David Gaughran.  If you’re a writer, looking to self-publish and think it’s easier to pay for the service, please read David’s post. There is help out there and a lot of it is free. The big publishing companies are buying up the old Vanity Presses and charging big bucks for their…